What Happens During a Boiler Service?

A boiler service may sound like a vague procedure to many homeowners, but it’s an essential annual check-up that ensures your boiler operates efficiently, safely, and has a prolonged lifespan. But what exactly takes place during this routine maintenance? Let’s demystify the process by delving into the key steps and procedures a technician undertakes during a boiler service.

Visual Inspection

Before delving into the system, the engineer will first carry out a visual inspection to ensure the boiler and its associated components are installed and positioned correctly. They’ll check if there are any signs of corrosion, leaks, or other visible damage.

Operational Check

The technician will switch on the boiler to ascertain if it’s working correctly. They will look for any initial warning signs like irregular noises, which could indicate problems.

After turning off the boiler and ensuring safety measures are in place, the engineer will open the boiler casing. This allows them to inspect the internal components. They will check:

Burner: To ensure it’s burning efficiently.

Heat exchanger: To see if it’s free of obstructions or damage.

Seals: To ensure they’re intact.

Electrodes: To confirm they’re in a good state.

Gas Pressure Measurement

An incorrect gas pressure can affect the boiler’s efficiency and safety. The technician will measure the gas pressure to ensure it’s at the optimal level for the boiler’s smooth operation.

Flue Test

The flue is responsible for expelling waste gas safely from the boiler to the outside of your property. An engineer will check the flue’s integrity and also conduct a flue gas analysis to ensure emissions are at a safe level. This test is crucial for preventing carbon monoxide leaks.

Clean Components

One of the key parts of a service is cleaning the boiler’s components. Dust, grime, and even rust can accumulate over time. Cleaning ensures that the system runs efficiently and can help prevent future issues.

Replace Faulty Parts

If during the inspection, any parts are found to be faulty or nearing the end of their operational life, the engineer might replace them. It’s better to address potential problems during a service than wait for them to cause a breakdown.

Final Operation Check

Once the internal check and any necessary adjustments are made, the technician will operate the boiler once again to ensure everything is running smoothly. They’ll monitor for noises, check for leaks, and confirm that the system starts and operates correctly.


Upon completing the boiler service, the engineer will usually provide a service report. This document will detail the checks carried out, any adjustments made, and parts replaced. For landlords, this might also include a gas safety certificate.

A boiler service, while seemingly straightforward, is a comprehensive check-up of your heating system’s health. Regular servicing ensures that your boiler operates efficiently, safely, and has a longer life, providing you with peace of mind and potentially saving you money in the long run. 

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